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Izašao novi broj časopisa “BOSNIACA”

28 Decembar 2023 Novosti 272 Views


Sa zadovoljstvom vam predstavljamo novi broj časopisa Bosniaca, njegov 28. broj, koji predstavlja još jedan važan izvor informacija iz svijeta bibliotekarstva, nauke i kulturne baštine.

Bosniaca je časopis Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke BiH koji izlazi jedanput godišnje i u njemu se objavljuju stručni i naučni radovi, građa od značaja za obnovu kolekcija NUBBiH i za bibliotečku struku u cjelini.

Novi broj otvaramo radosnom viješću, ujedno i podstrekom i priznanjem za uspješan rad i doprinos naučnoj zajednici. Naime, počevši s ovim brojem, Bosniaca je indeksirana u Scopus multidisciplinarnoj bazi sažetaka i citata. Scopus je velika, svjetska bibliografsko-bibliometrijska baza podataka i među najpriznatijim je indeksnim bazama u svijetu. Ako je mjerilo naučne vrijednosti časopisa indeksiranost u velikim bazama, onda je Bosniaca zasigurno časopis visokih naučnih standarda, čemu svjedoči indeksiranost, pored pomenute Scopus, u bazama : Web of ScienceTM / Emerging Sources Citation Index, Crossref, EBSCO-CEEAS (Central & Eastern European Academic Source), EBSCO (The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source), ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities), ROAD – Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, Miar – Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ICI Journals Master List, ICI World of Journals, Mir@bel, KoBSON – Konzorcijum biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku, Internet Archive, Scholar Advanced Sciences Index, Fatcat, Szczepanski’s List of Open Access Journals, Open AIRE, Scilit, ZDB Catalogue, Sherpa Romeo, dostupan u  DOAJ, C.E.E.O.L. (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Index Copernicus, Hrčak – Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa, Slavic Humanities Index, Europub, Internet Archive Scholar, Semantic Scholar, HAL open science and arhiviran u bazi Keepers i PKP preservation network.

U ovome broju, s posebnim zadovoljstvom, najavljujemo 12 radova, iz oblasti bibliotečko-informacijskog sistema, dokumentarnog naslijeđa, informacija i servisa u novom tehnološkom okruženju. Osim radova, tu je i pet prikaza, koji govore o publikacijama iz bibliotečko-informacijskih i baštinskih nauka.

Novi broj je objavljen i u online izdanju Bosniace.  https://bosniaca.nub.ba/index.php/bosniaca/issue/view/26 

Vjerujemo da će predstavljene teme u ovom broju časopisa Bosniace privući pažnju stručne bibliotečke javnosti, kao i opravdati važnost postojanja jednog ovakvog časopisa.


We are pleased to present to you the new issue of the journal Bosniaca, its 28th issue, which represents another important source of information from the world of librarianship, science, and cultural heritage.

Bosniaca is the journal of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is published once a year and publishes professional and scientific works, material of importance for the renewal of the NULBIH collection and for the library profession as a whole.

We open the new issue with joyful news, as well as with encouragement and recognition for successful work and contribution to the scientific community. Starting with this issue, Bosniaca is indexed in the Scopus, multidisciplinary abstracts and citations database. Scopus is a large, worldwide bibliographic and bibliometric database and is among the most recognized indexing databases in the world. If the measure of a journal's scientific value is its indexing in large databases, then Bosniaca is certainly a journal of high scientific standards, as evidenced by its indexing, in addition to the aforementioned Scopus, in the databases: Web of ScienceTM / Emerging Sources Citation Index, Crossref, EBSCO-CEEAS (Central & Eastern European Academic Source), EBSCO (The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source), ERIHPLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities), ROAD – Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, Miar – Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, ICI Journals Master List, ICI World of Journals, Mir@bel, KoBSON – Konzorcijum biblioteka Srbije za objedinjenu nabavku, Internet Archive, Scholar Advanced Sciences Index, Fatcat, Szczepanski’s List of Open Access Journals, Open AIRE, Scilit, ZDB Catalogue, Sherpa Romeo, available in DOAJ, C.E.E.O.L. (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Index Copernicus, Hrčak – Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa, Slavic Humanities Index, Europub, Internet Archive Scholar, Semantic Scholar, HAL open science and archived in the Keepers and PKP preservation network.

In this issue, we are particularly pleased to introduce 12 papers in the field of library and information systems, documentary heritage, information and services in the new technological environment. In addition to the papers, there are also five reviews, which present publications from library and information and heritage sciences.

The new issue was also published in the online edition: https://bosniaca.nub.ba/index.php/bosniaca/issue/view/26 

We believe that the themes presented in this issue of the journal Bosniaca will attract the attention of the professional library public, as well as justify the importance of the existence of such a journal.